Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Website Building Workflow

With the arrival of Gutenberg editor, creating websites on WordPress has been way easier. Blocks in Gutenberg editor let users create any simple to complex layout in minutes. Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts are also there in this editor to make site building more flexible. Whether you create a page or post, Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts will add more advantages. In this article, we will show you all of the essential Gutenberg shortcuts in one place.

How to Access Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts in the Editor?

Keyboard shortcuts speed up your workflow with handy key combinations. The keyboard shortcuts are for managing & formatting text, controlling headings, managing Gutenberg blocks, interesting quotes, images, links, and more. If you are familiar with the Gutenberg environment or have gone through our tutorial on how to create anchor links on WordPress, you know much about the top toolbar on Gutenberg editor. This is where you can access Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts. Click on the three dots on your left you will see the keyboard shortcut in a popup window.

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Workflow

Once you click on the Keyboard Shortcuts the editor will show you all the keyboard shortcuts in a popup window. Alternatively, there’s also a shortcut to show the shortcut. Shift + Alt + H.

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts

Well, keyboard shortcuts are not something you go find and use it. This is something you should have in mind and use whenever necessary to save time and speed up your website building workflow. This is why despite these Gutenberg shortcuts are accessible in the Gutenberg editor, we give you all of them here for you. Go through the shortcuts, have them in your mind, and keep building websites on Gutenberg like a pro.

Global Shortcuts

Display this helpShift+Alt+H
Save your changesCtrl+S
Undo your last changesCtrl+Z
Redo your last undoCtrl+Shift+Z
Show or hide the settings sidebarCtrl+Shift+,
Open the block navigation menuShift+Alt+O
Navigate to the next part of the editorCtrl+`/Shift+Alt+N
Navigate to the previous part of the editorCtrl+Shift+`/Shift+Alt+P
Navigate to the nearest toolbarAlt+F10
Switch between Visual Editor and Code EditorCtrl+Shift+Alt+M
Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts

Selection Shortcuts

Select all text when typingCtrl+A
Clear selectionEsc
Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts

Block Shortcuts

Duplicate the selected block(s)Ctrl+Shift+D
Remove the selected block(s)Shift+Alt+Z
Insert a new block before the selected block(s)Ctrl+Alt+T
Insert a new block after the selected block(s)Ctrl+Alt+Y
Change the block type after adding a new paragraph./
Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts

Text Formatting

Make the selected text boldCtrl+B
Make the selected text italicCtrl+I
Underline the selected textCtrl+U
Convert the selected text into a linkCtrl+K
Remove a linkCtrl+Shift+K
Add a strikethrough to the selected textShift+Alt+D
Display the selected text in a monospaced fontShift+Alt+X
Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts

Using Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts will make your site development 2x faster than the usual time. Because you don’t have to do a lot of things manually. The keyboard shortcuts we have shown here are from the Gutenberg editor itself. If you start using keyboard shortcuts, they will speed up every aspect of website building for you. Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts are compatible with all WordPress themes. So, have no worry about the WordPress theme you are using. Do you need to extend the Gutenberg editor? Read our post on the best WordPress Gutenberg block plugins. Good luck.

Amie Suzan
Amie Suzan

As a seasoned WordPress technical writer with five years of experience, I am passionate about WordPress and web development. I also enjoy traveling, particularly solo trips, which allow me to explore new places and gain fresh perspectives.

Articles: 136

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